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Last updated
Players are any people who participate in a card task/challenge - which may include yourself! Players you create are saved in your Game Zone (or in a Game Zone you have been invited into and granted "creator" rights) .
From the drop-down menu at the top-right of the app select the "Players" option. You will be taken to a view that displays a list of players and a button at the top of the screen for adding new players...
After clicking/tapping the "Add Player" button you will see the below fields for creating a player...the only field that is required is the players name, however you can also add their User ID (generated as part of their profile when the player first accesses the Game Cards app - they will need to share this with you), and assign them to (multiple) squads and teams if required (player lists can be filtered/searched by squads and teams)
If you add a User ID for a player, when that player uses their Game Cards app and views the player list, their name will be highlighted in the list so they know for sure which player name is actually them.
You will also see the above fields when you click on the edit (pencil) icon in the player list (see first screenshot above).
Only the Game Zone owner and those invited in with "creator" rights can create, edit and delete players. Anyone in the Game Zone can view the player list.
Next to the pencil icon in the player list is a ribbon/award icon - click/tap this and you will be taken to a view that shows all the cards the player has been awarded, how long ago they were awarded and the team members if it was a "team award"...
It can be a good idea to use #hashtags in card descriptions to signify the nature of the task/challenge. If you do this, you can start to filter awarded cards for a player based on a certain hashtag, such as #offballmovement or #finishing for example.